Request from the Code Maker

Hey guys,

i have a request. Everyday more than 2500 people coming and going from this blog.
Yet only 4 people has liked my work and everybody is requesting for codes and no one seems to do anything for this free site and it's pretty selfish.
I have to rate all my post and no one is commenting (except for a one or 2 good souls like Cimi Echols who really appreciated my work.)
I didn't put a donation box or linkbucks / adfly links to make this blog a nightmare but i removed all of it.
in return you could help me a little by sharing this blog on facebook or any other media. i am not asking you to rate my post nor put comments but the least you could do is share this page on Facebook or Pinterest or any social media and i have even provided the sharing buttons which is located at the top right hand corner.
Its really heart breaking to see that no one is really doing something for my site.
So please do share this blog with everyone and it takes a few seconds to do so.

~x~ Sharing is Caring ~x~


  1. hey guy i love your site and what your doing. its a shame that the best site ive come across gets this much traffic and nothing in return i feel for you man keep up the good work

  2. thanks for the support man...

  3. thank you for mentioning me I appreciate it so much

  4. you have made my day today for doing that

    1. its been 5 months since i started this blog and you were the 1st person to appreciate my work so you are worth mentioning in my blog....

  5. Hey Ganesh,

    Just bought your ebook~

    Dude, your work here is amazing.. I really like the direction that you're taking with this blog and I hope the lack of response doesn't dishearten you.

    Perhaps allow people to post as anonymous? It might help.. Also starting discussions regarding the game (move priorities, etc) instead of just the codes could be conducive to the site gaining more traction and keeping it going~

    Keep it up~ There're people who love your work.


    1. thank you shawn for purchasing my ebook.
      i already removed the captcha so that people could comment freely and
      after 5 months of this blog, i am really surprised to see people are slowly appreciating my work and i tried to make this blog interactive but no1 seems to interact though everyday more than 2000 people visit this blog... anyway you have made my day happy... be sure to check your mail coz ill be sending you a UBER BONUS CODE which i have not yet released in this blog nor my eBook... you will really have tears in your eyes...

    2. Hey Ganesh,

      Thanks a lot! I didn't expect that.. saw the code in my email and I'm gonna try it out now~


    3. if you have trouble hatching it... use the instant egg hatch code found at

  6. Thsnkyou for the codesss... I really love playing with Meloetta... And I teached it Relic Song.... Its so cool whenever Meloetta plays relic song she changes form from aria unto piroette... ^^

  7. I made a new account so I can comment to this blog... I forgot my password on my previous account XD

  8. A code for Spheal Please!!!!!
